ELEVATE is a unique way for our students to study a National qualification through us, The Studio International, and Empowerdance Pty Ltd RTO 40397.

We are thrilled to be an approved provider with Empowerdance where our students can use the classes they participate in with us and put them toward their Certificate.

Each week Empowerdance master trainers conduct our theory classes for our students via an online classroom platform. All of their theory assessments are uploaded and completed through the quality online portal, which students will have access to, using their own log in. Certificate III and IV students will have the opportunity to work alongside one of our dance teachers to gain valuable experience for some of their student teaching and teaching units. Students will also work alongside their peers for group assessments, and the nature of these qualifications allows the student to have flexibility with their learning and be marked as Competent or not yet competent.


Theory & Academic

The CUA20113 Certificate II In Dance requires students to attend live online theory classes 1 hours per week over 30 weeks.

The CUA30113 Certificate III In Dance requires students to attend live online theory classes that will run for 2 hours per week over 45 weeks.

The CUA40113 Certificate IV In Dance (teaching) requires students to attend 1 live online class per month during the duration of the course and is a self-paced course.



Students choose their practical units that are then completed with us during our regular schedule. The electives/styles students choose will determine how many hours are required to complete as a part of their Certification. Students are assessed in a performance setting within their annual dance performance, or competition routines.

Students will:

  • Study a National Qualification CUA20113 / CUA30113 / CUA40113 In Dance (Teaching)

  • Submit all work directly to Empowerdance for assessmentAttend all theory sessions in a live online format, with our Chief trainers and assessors (weekly/intensives)

  • Receive trainer supportLearn content that is industry relevant

  • Receive an Empowerdance compliant Nationally Recognised Certificate & Record of Results upon completion of successful assessment

  • Have their results reported to AVETMISS

  • Learn in a limited cohort with their assigned chief trainer and assessor

  • Attend all of their required technique and practical classes in your studio. Minimum of 3 per week

  • Study the Empowerdance favourite electives

World Renowned Tutelage

Premier full-time dance training academy in the ACT Region with proven quality and demonstrated success.

The Academy International © 2025

TAI encompasses both Classical Ballet with Contemporary and commercial genres - Lyrical, Jazz and Hip-Hop. Where the greater number of talented or 'serious' students feel the need to travel to Sydney or Melbourne to seek advanced level of training, TAI fills the previously identifiable void in the local market by offering state of the art facilities, a premium and comprehensive syllabus and highly regarded instructors.

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